Saturday 11 January 2014

OFSTED Feedback

Just before Christmas, I had a bit of a rant on here. It's probably worth reading that post first, or this will seem a little abrupt and even a little odd... <A Visit from OFSTED>

And so after emailing a few weeks before Christmas, my feedback finally arrived. The one I was most interested in was where I only got 'Good':

Hi-Res image found <here>

From what I read of this:
1) She didn't like the fact I told them what the Messiah was - a key bit of completly new knowledge that they needed to do the activities for the rest of the lesson
2) She didn't think it was 'challenge' enough to get the G&T students to go around explaining the complex ideas of the fulfilment of the Messianic prophecies to other students. 

My first observation I was told "everything about the lesson was Outstanding":

Hi-Res image found <here>

This is rather brief, and doesn't really suggest my teaching was Outstanding... ah well! 

If anyone can explain a little more about what exactly is 'going on' in these, I'd be very grateful.

The system for getting observation notes does at least work, plus they are posted by Special Delivery. Every teacher who is observed should request them, would be interesting to see what happens to OFSTED then...

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